Back Pain Treatment in Omaha NE

Back pain is a common condition anyone can experience. Whether it is a child playing hard during recess, or an adult leaning over their desk, there are multiple chances to develop back pain. If it’s persistent, back pain can lead to further pain and injury.
Our team at Diamond Chiropractic Omaha North is exceptional when it comes to back pain in Omaha NE. We help patients with back injuries resulting from lifting something wrong, to car accidents often leading to back strain and sprain conditions. Regardless, if you have had this condition for a while, and it’s getting progressively worse (known as chronic pain), or “I lifted something wrong” (known as acute pain), our chiropractor has the answer and treatment for you!
Upper Back Pain | Middle Back Pain | Low Back Pain | Degenerative Disc
Techniques to relieve back pain in Omaha NE
Our Chiropractor in Omaha uses the following to relieve your back pain:
- Spinal Adjustments - Our doctor will realign the vertebrae in the affected area to increase your range of motion and alleviate the pain in the spinal nerves. He will focus on the imbalanced zone(s) connected to your case and begin treatment from there. Symptoms resulting from low back pain will begin to decrease as well. Low back pain treatment starts with restoring normal range of motion in the back.
- Intersegmental Traction - Intersegmental traction involves the use of a special chiropractic table. This specific table includes rollers that will roll along the sides of the spinal column, allowing blood to flow through the tight muscles and ligaments. As this occurs, the muscles and ligaments loosen up and relax more; in addition, your spine will become more mobile.
- Acupuncture - Electro-therapy, or acupuncture, is effective with low back pain. This is achieved by targeting certain acupuncture points during treatment, as well as an electro-muscle stimulator during therapy. Patients will notice, after several treatments, pain, and certain symptoms beginning to decrease in frequency. In addition, they will start to see more mobility come back to their spine and other affected areas of the body.
- Lifestyle Advice - With any injury, whether to the back, neck, or extremity, the last thing you want to do is make the pain worse. The same idea applies to handling cases of low back pain. Our advice is designed to help you perform everyday tasks and responsibilities safely. This includes suggestions on improving your diet, drinking plenty of water and fluids, exercising, and getting plenty of rest. At Diamond Chiropractic Omaha North, we focus on healing and relief from low back pain, not aggravating it further.
Upper Back Pain
Starting slightly above your shoulders, and ending with the rib cage, the upper back is responsible for keeping the neck stable and supporting the rest of the body. Because of its location, the upper back supports the entire rib cage, allowing it to protect vital organs from external trauma.
When the upper back suffers trauma, it affects not only the back and shoulders, but also the ribs. In addition, any organs in this section are affected due to nerve miscommunication.
Common Causes of Pain:
With any back pain case, the cause behind it can vary; this applies to upper back pain. Common causes include an injury/ accident or overuse, though any of the following can apply:
- Injury: Regardless of whether it’s an auto-accident, a work-related or sports-related injury, any trauma can affect the upper back. When there is stress on the upper back, muscles located in this area may not be strong enough to handle the shock, resulting in overstretching to compensate. If this happens, severe pain and discomfort occur, as well as the possibility for the upper back to become off-set with the rest of the spine.
- Posture: Our parents told us it is important to have good posture. Honestly, they’re right! Good posture is important for proper spinal alignment and body movement. Actions such as leaning over a computer or staring down at our phones can result in bad posture habits, along with pain and discomfort from an improper frame.
- Herniated Discs and/ or Disc Bulges: A disc bulge is more common than a herniated disc, but both can lead to severe pain. Disc bulges place pressure on the spinal nerves, causing pain, numbness, and even tingling. Herniated discs are more severe due to the outer layer of a disc rupturing, and the inner layer squeezing out of the disc. Both are caused by trauma or injury over time.
- Overuse: Whether it’s from lifting something heavy, or twisting from side to side, overusing this section of the back can result in pain and discomfort. This may be due to increased activity levels or repetitive actions. In this case, icing the area affected helps in calming down the muscles, allowing them to relax and relieve stress.
Symptoms to Watch For
Suffering from upper back pain will affect your daily routine. Aside from pain, common symptoms of upper back pain include tightness and stiffness, tenderness, and even headaches or migraines. These symptoms are typical for cases of mild upper back pain.
It is not uncommon, however, for other symptoms to appear. All the nerves in the human body lead back to the spinal cord, to the spinal nerve. If there is a subluxation, or a spinal misalignment, in the upper back, nerves connected to this portion of the back, leading to other areas of the body, may be affected. Due to this, other symptoms may develop, including:
- Rib & Sternal Pain
- Radiating pain to front of chest
- Low back pain
- Pain or numbness radiating into the arms (commonly called pinched nerve)
- Weakness, numbness, or pain in the shoulders
- Bowel and/or bladder issues
For any patient experiencing upper back pain, and any of its symptoms, chiropractic care is the best option. Resolving the pain will not only alleviate it, but it will also lead to any present symptoms disappearing completely. The patient’s overall health is a priority, along with decreasing the chances of developing upper back pain and any of its symptoms.
Upper Back Pain Relief at Diamond Chiropractic Omaha North
Our chiropractor will perform an examination, take x-rays, and evaluate your spine to determine the cause and exact location of your condition. After comparing the findings and confirming the diagnosis, our Omaha chiropractor will develop a treatment plan to help alleviate your symptoms, heal the pain, and provide you with recommendations to lower your risk for possible reoccurrences.
Middle Back Pain
Making up the lower half of the thoracic spine, the middle back consists of the lower portion of the rib cage and spinal column. Due to this, the upper and middle portions of the back work together to support the rib cage and spinal column. The spinal column protects the spinal cord, a large bundle of nerves that help the brain communicate with the rest of the body.
Like upper and low back pain, any pain in the middle back will affect your daily routine. Stress in this area will cause discomfort in the rib cage, and the organs protected by it. Patients will feel limited in what they can do, and how they can function throughout the day.
Common Causes...
Depending on the case, middle back pain occurs for a variety of reasons. Patients may even experience middle back pain from multiple causes, not just one. Anytime a patient experiences pain, particularly in the middle back, they should look at what would cause it. The following are the most common causes behind middle back pain:
- Injury: Although it is less likely to experience an injury or a fall, the middle back can still be affected by such trauma. While it is more structured and rigid, the middle back will experience stress from an auto accident, a sports injury, or even a hard fall down the stairs. Any blunt force trauma to this area should be considered a cause to experiencing middle back pain.
- Body Posture/ Positioning: Having good posture is important for proper spinal alignment and body movement. Actions such as leaning over a computer or staring down at our phones can result in bad posture habits, along with pain and discomfort from an improper frame. Having bad posture leads to additional pressure on the spine, leading to other complications.
- Weight: More specifically, obesity. When a patient’s weight increases, it can strain the middle back and cause pain. Any additional weight in the middle back can place stress on organs located in the rib cage, such as the lungs and diaphragm. In addition, patients may feel pain on the ribs, or they may not be able to breathe well.
- Aging: As a patient grows older, the more pain they are likely to experience. This is including middle back pain and its symptoms. Aging naturally wears down the body, resulting in decreases in muscle mass, bone strength, and fluids in between joints and the spine. In addition, arthritis – specifically osteoarthritis – develops as we age, leading to bones rubbing against each other.
Any Symptoms?
Symptoms for middle back pain can range from mild to serious. These symptoms, however, can be treated, along with middle back pain.
Most often, patients will experience mild symptoms of middle back pain. Muscle aches and dull pain are quite common, along with muscle stiffness or tightness. Other symptoms include burning sensations in affected areas and a sharp, stabbing pain. Icing the affected area, along with moving around after waking up, can help relieve the pain.
Some cases, however, may result in more serious symptoms appearing. Weakness, tingling, or numbness in the chest, arms, or legs may occur with middle back pain, due to miscommunication between the nerves and the brain. In addition, signs of chest pain or a decrease in proper organ functions may develop.
Any symptom, though, is a temporary problem. Through treatment and using ice, middle back pain, and any present symptoms will disappear.
Middle Back Pain Relief at Diamond Chiropractic Omaha North
At Diamond Chiropractic Omaha North, our chiropractor will perform an examination, take x-rays, and evaluate your posture to determine the cause of your case. After comparing the findings and confirming the diagnosis, our chiropractor will develop a treatment plan to help alleviate your symptoms, heal the pain, and provide you with recommendations to lower your risk for possible reoccurrences.
Low Back Pain
Patients consider the lumbar spine, and the pelvic girdle, as the lower back. Starting at the lower rib region, this section of the spine includes five large vertebrae, two ilium bones, and the sacrum. These eight bones support your whole torso and create mobility and strength of the body. When they function well, we take those bones for granted. When they fail, everything we do becomes limited.
Low back pain is a common condition that anyone can experience. Because it supports most of our body, pain in this area can limit what we can do. Patients may feel pain traveling from this region all the way down their legs, or up into other areas of the body. As such, taking care of low back pain is important to return to our daily routines.
What Would Cause This?
The most common causes of low back pain are attributed to accumulative effects of multiple, small lifting injuries, or stressful/ improper body positioning during our daily routine. We spend more hours sitting or standing at work than what we are originally built to do.
- Body Posture/ Positioning: Our human frame was built to be a hunter and gatherer. Now we sit, stand, or bend/ twist in a standing position, for hours at a time. These different positions often lead to inflamed nerves in the back, muscle spasms, low back pain, and even shooting pain like sciatica. However, we tend to ignore those aches and pains until we literally cannot move.
- Injury: Work-related, auto accidents, and sport-related injuries are other causes of low back pain. These types of injuries are more sudden, starting with a sharp “pull” or “twist” that is followed by a general building of intense pain. They are traumatic strain/sprain-type injuries, resulting in torn muscles and ligaments. If left untreated, or if improperly, they can progress to muscle spasms and acute low back pain. Applying ice – not heat – to these injuries is highly recommended.
- Pinched nerves: A pinched nerve causes pain and muscle spasms. Due to this, the results can include nerve damage that flows to the lower back, lower leg, and foot. Common symptoms for pinched nerves include radiating pain, tingling in the toes, and numbness of the leg and foot.
- Body weight: More specifically, obesity. When a patient’s weight increases, it can strain the low back and cause pain. Because the low back is the foundation for most of the human body, if it experiences stress from weight gain, the rest of the body may be affected as well.
- Aging: As a patient grows older, the more pain they are likely to experience. This is including low back pain and its symptoms. Aging naturally wears down the body, resulting in decreases in muscle mass, bone strength, and fluids in between joints and the spine. In addition, arthritis – specifically osteoarthritis – develops as we age, leading to bones rubbing against each other.
Symptoms to Consider…
As with any condition, low back pain can result in several symptoms. In this case, the most prevalent is dull, aching pain throughout the body.
While this pain is not sharp or burning, it can cause some problems with daily activity, starting with waking up in the morning. This is due to the body remaining in one position for a prolonged period. The same is said for sitting down for a long time. When patients move around, though, they notice the pain and symptoms start disappearing. Whether it is changing sitting positions, or stretching after waking up, movement has shown to help relieve some stress and low back pain.
If the pain is persistent, it may travel to other areas of the body. Low back pain can travel down into the legs and feet, giving off a stinging and tingling sensation from the thighs down. When this occurs, patients may think they are suffering from sciatic nerve pain, due to where the nerve is located. Sciatica is caused by irritation of this nerve, and it typically occurs in one of the legs. While low back pain can result in sciatica, it causes that numbing, tingling sensation in both legs.
Low Back Pain Relief at Diamond Chiropractic Omaha North
At Diamond Chiropractic Omaha North, our chiropractor will perform an examination, take x-rays, and evaluate your posture to determine the cause of your case. After comparing the findings and confirming the diagnosis, our chiropractor will develop a treatment plan to help alleviate your symptoms, heal the pain, and provide you with recommendations to lower your risk for possible reoccurrences.
Degenerative Disc Conditions
People experience back pain for many, many reasons. Most are due to improper lifting techniques or prolonged bending. Back pain can also be caused by degenerative disc disease, pinched nerves and bulged or herniated discs. In other words, the possibilities behind back pain are endless. The most common causes are:
- Degenerative Disc Disease - Degenerative disc disease is most common in older individuals, usually over the age of 40. This condition occurs over time as the normal process of aging. When we are young, the discs that cushion our vertebrae are full of clear fluid and can easily absorb the shocks we place on the spine every day. As we get older, the discs lose their hydration, which can cause them to develop tears and cracks and lead to back pain.
- Herniated Discs - Herniated discs can be the result of degenerative disc disease, or they can occur as the result of a traumatic accident, like an automobile accident or a sudden fall. This condition results in part of the disc bulging or slipping out of place and putting pressure on the surrounding soft tissues and nerves. Individuals with herniated discs often experience lower back pain and/or pain that radiates into the buttocks or legs.
- Pinched Nerves - A pinched nerve often appears in the spinal cord, which branches out to all the parts of your body and becomes compressed. Pinched nerves can be caused by degenerative disc disease, bulged discs, herniated discs, and injuries to the muscles and tendons of the back. The most commonly pinched nerve in the back is the sciatic nerve, which starts in the lower back and travels down the back of the legs. When the sciatic nerve is pinched – also known as sciatica – it can lead to lower back pain, pain in the buttock, weak legs, and difficulty walking. It is usually one-sided.
- Strains - Strains are also very common. They are usually due to improper lifting techniques, lifting something that is too heavy, lifting something that is very bulky, or they can be the result of a sports injury or car accident. Sprains and strains can result in back pain, muscle weakness, and loss of range of motion of the back. Strains tend to be very sharp in nature and usually acute.
To get started with chiropractic care for your back pain, choose our Omaha, NE chiropractor today. Diamond Chiropractic Omaha North is currently accepting new patients of all ages. Call our office today! When it comes to low back pain, get relief NOW & FAST.
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Diamond Chiropractic Omaha North
10011 Maple St
Omaha, NE 68134